In The Gambia there are many rare varieties of snakes that has attracted the attention of scientist from many parts of the world. Kosso Sanoh is a name of a very poisonous snake in Mandinka. This snake's mode of attacking is very dangerous, what it does is it bites real quick and vanish into thin air leaving the victim with an excruciating venom battling the circulatory system- shutting down the whole nervous and the most precious circulatory system of the body. Legend has it that Kosso Sanoh can even pin point the location of the victim and hide somewhere close around the victim's neighborhood as early as it can get with all its senses wide awake longing to receive a message which would translate to the death of the bitten victim. And in the instance, the victim happens to survive it would bite itself to die. Now the floodgate of questions that keep bomb rushing my mind back and forth is- What kinda snake is that? Was sent by demons to execute a target? or maybe, it is one of the effective tools demons and people who possess black magic stuffs use to eliminate or in the least worst instance paralyzing the victim. Most people especially those from the rural areas where some of the actions take place concurred with this notion of Kosso Sanoh being the tool of the wicked.